Thursday, May 29, 2014

Full Circle

Two days from now will be a year that I've been here in Chicago.

My first post to this blog was exactly one year ago yesterday, so it would have been pretty nice to write on that momentous occasion. Alas, I've all but forgotten this blog ... well, that's not exactly true.  I'm quite aware it exists, but don't really have the same drive to document my life as I had before when there were more major changes afoot. Yet there's been a major change!  Months ago, in fact.  Yet this year I have only posted 1 other blog here, so here's to #2.

What's this big change, you ask?  Nothing that exciting.  Just a new job working in Boystown again.  No big deal, so we can change topics now.

This past weekend was an event that sort of made me realize things have come full circle here in Chicago.  This past weekend was not only Memorial Day weekend, but also IML weekend.  IML is International Mr. Leather, a 5 day leather event in downtown Chicago that I think is something like the Magnum Cum Laude of leather events around the country.  While I attended this event, I noticed a lot of titles like Mr Iowa Leather and Mr. Memphis Leather, etc.  So being given the title of International Mr. Leather sounds rather a salient title to be bestowed upon an individual who's involved in that scene.

Why I say this event means things have come full circle is because last year, the weekend before I moved to Chicago, was IML weekend.  A couple friends missed my going away party that weekend because they had gone to Chicago for the event, and by next weekend I was in Chicago.  The weekend after that I attended my first festival, Andersonville's Midsommerfest, and started attending many other festivals and events throughout the summer and the rest of the year from there on out.  I missed IML by less than a week so it's really the last event there was for me to attend, and so I spent the entire weekend there.

It wasn't planned to spend the entire weekend, but I happened to fall into a situation of convenience, where I had a couple friends in from out of town staying at the hotel that hosts the event, we hung out for the first day of the event, and we basically spent the entire weekend together.  We walked around the hotel - shopping, observing events and demonstrations, chilling in their room with cocktails and music, and we also spent some time up in my neck of the woods, which is Boystown.  We brunched, bar hopped, and drank too much while basking in the sun.

Back at the hotel, I gave my camera a bit of practice because that's also something that has been set aside a bit lately.  I've had a couple great shoots wandering around in the snow since my last posts, but really... snow gets a bit old after 5 months, believe it or not.

Pretty fun shots without any expensive equipment.  A more professional set up with lights would have been great to eliminate some shadows, but I was just sort of snapping away while sitting in a nearby chair.

That's what's been up.  I have a new job and the penultimate punctuation of my first year in Chicago was one of the world's largest leather conventions.  How about that.

Hopefully my next piece on here won't be too far from now, since my actual year anniversary is in 2 days.  Oh, and yes I did buy a harness.